Who We Are

We’re a bible-loving, Spirit-dependent, Gospel-shaped people, filling our city with the message, life and fame of Jesus.

Bosch is Common Ground’s original congregation. It’s a vibrant, active and wonderfully diverse community which consists of people of all ages and life-stages from the surrounding suburbs. Whether you’re young, old, somewhere in the middle, single, single again or married; you'll feel right at home.

Sundays are a high moment where we meet together to celebrate Jesus! And if you're investigating faith, our Sunday gathering are a safe place to explore the claims of Jesus, as well as the community he is building. No matter where you are in your faith journey you are welcome to join us, as we honestly seek to answer the big questions in life.

During the week we meet in life groups, people in authentic relationships orientated around growing in maturity and relationship with Jesus and each other. Sundays can be daunting for some to meet people and have deeper conversations, so mid-week life groups allow for everyone to be part of asking deeper questions and getting to know people in a low-pressure, fun and friend-filled way.

We also have a number of ministries aimed at discipling Christ-followers into maturity through the various seasons, spheres and stages of life.

If Jesus is who he says he is, that changes everything… Join us as we unpack this reality!

 Next Steps

Join Us

Our church meets on Sundays at 8.30am, 10:30am and 6pm.

Our 8:30am meeting is streamed online via our YouTube page.

Join a Life Group

Mid-week we meet in Life Groups. People in authentic relationships orientated around growing in maturity and relationship with Jesus and each other.

Stay Connected

Check our Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp groups for regular updates


Listen to the latest talk from our Sunday meetings.

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Knowing Jesus

In a world of diverse beliefs, our worldview shapes how we understand truth, purpose, love, suffering, and what comes next. Like a puzzle box guiding the assembly of its pieces, our personal beliefs provide a framework for navigating life’s complexities. Each experience challenges or affirms this evolving picture, influencing how we discern right from wrong. Throughout history, one figure has consistently challenged and inspired worldviews: Jesus Christ—a presence that captivates faith, stirs curiosity, and provokes profound reflection.

This devotional invites you on a journey to explore the profound claims of Jesus Christ. As we examine life’s deepest questions we’ll consider how His teachings and life intersect with our own.

You can download a digital version of this devotional using the link below.

 Join Us for Church

Morning Meetings

8:30am & 10:30am

A vibrant and dynamic kids ministry makes the morning meeting of this congregation especially appealing for families.


Evening Meetings


Our evening meeting is full of students and young adults in the midst of that wonderfully exciting and terrifying stage of life: the decision-decade.


Church Online

Watch now

Join us online, livestreamed on Sundays at 8:30am or watch delayed on our YouTube channel when you have time to catch up later.


Sermon Series 

Most Recent Sermon



Current & Past Series


Next Gen

Our Next Gen ministries are where we disciple the various age groups towards maturity in Christ.

From the first thousand days to our high schoolers, Next Gen has age-appropriate groups, activities and curriculums for each stage.  

Next Gen Ministries

Students’ Ministry

All students are welcome.

Our Students Ministry aims to cultivate within students a zeal for the glory of God. Our student events are full of awesome opportunities to meet new people, get connected, and grow in a Christ-centred community.



Our pre-marriage course is for engaged couples preparing for marriage.

Many different topics are covered in an interactive way (with time for couples to chat and process together) and it’s a great way to prepare for this important life stage.


Weekly Ministries

Moms Comm for moms with babies/ toddlers, Seniors, Ladies Bible study.

They primarily meet during school term times, each week, and are focused on growing in discipleship and experiencing community together in these different life stages and seasons.

Weekly Ministries

Biblical Justice

As Christ-followers we are called to biblical justice.

We believe this is a fundamental part of our growing in Christlikeness and as a community. As an expression of this, we partner with several local organisations to build and strengthen communities around us.

Biblical Justice

Pastoral Care Ministries

These are small groups that dig deep into difficult and seldom discussed areas of life. There are various support groups and courses run during the year both in-person and online.

Pastoral Care Ministries

The followers of Jesus are Citizens of the Kingdom, whilst being citizens on the earth.  We see in our city and nation how sins of racism and prejudice pervade our society, bringing pain and suffering and raising important issues that need to be addressed.  None of us are unaffected by this.  We recognise that there are many different voices, perspectives and narratives around this and, as a church, we believe that the Bible should be the loudest voice for followers of Jesus.  It calls us to reflect, repent and move into action.  The gospel shines its bright light onto this topic. 

Whether new to faith, or seasoned, we are all to be growing in Christlikeness in this area of life. We all have areas in our lives that need to be more fully submitted to the sanctifying work of Christ. We ask him to keep revealing areas of our personal lives and church practices that are not in submission to him that we may be changed and better glorify him in our lives.  He is our model, our saviour, our healer and the One we want to honour in the way we relate, serve and love one another.

To read more on what we believe about diversity, click the button below.


Contact us below

Or call us +27 21 686 2970